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Ailuin (played by Michonne) | |
Thomas 'Tome' Ironheart (played anonymously) | |
Shyaji (played by Tera) | |
Aoife (played anonymously) | |
Immage (played by Hachi) | |
Era (played anonymously) | |
Biers (played by Ypres) | |
Persephone (played anonymously) | |
Aurore Strange (played by Lolitaris) | |
Intoxicant (played by Dothraki) | |
Alicette (played by reev) | |
Nuzh di-Gahl (played by Bananasaurus) | |
Cahaya (played by Dothraki) | |
Vename (played by clouise) | |
Isobell (played anonymously) | |
Arianelle (played anonymously) | |